Sometimes life becomes tougher than what a person can think about. I have seen person fighting within him or herself, to come out of their grief. From the day I got my consciousness to understand the touch of care or the far most time that I can recall, I can see the depth of my family bondage. There was always an unconditional love between maa & baba. Sometimes, my sister and I used to pull their legs regarding this. Whenever some asked us "whom papa loves most?" we used to answer, simultaneously, papa's weak-point is mom, and mom's weak point is papa. Everyone always used to laugh at this, however it was the clear truth to all. I saw them fighting over issues, but never allowed others to say a single word against each other. So many times I interfered to support maa or papa and fight with the opponent, but they never allowed us to interfere. I was so annoyed, I can't consider the wrong deed, but now I can understand, it was their independent world. T...
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